Behavioral Standards

Behavioral Standards

The behavioral standards of Hope Homes serve many purposes. First, they allow residents to learn the structure and accountability that are necessary to maintain long-term recovery. Second, these standards keep our communities safe and ensure that all of our residents live in a positive peer environment. Lastly, these standards teach residents how to successfully maintain their recovery after they have left the Hope Homes community.

  • Abstinence from drug and alcohol use. Counselors administer drug screens randomly and frequently (up to 3 times per week) to ensure the safety of the community. If a resident relapses during his/her time at Hope Homes, he/she is removed from the program and given an appropriate referral to a higher level of care. The resident may reapply for consideration of readmission after 2 weeks. Residents are only given this opportunity once.
  • Attendance at daily 12 Step meetings. We expect residents to attend 90 meetings in 90 days in their first 3 months at Hope Homes. After 90 days, residents are expected to attend no less than 5 meetings per week. We expect residents to get a 12 Step sponsor and frequently communicate with him or her.
  • Participation in productive activity. Residents are expected to be up at 9 am and out of their apartment by 10 am. They should be engaged in productive activities – treatment, employment, school, volunteer work, 12 Step meetings – between 10 am and 4 pm. Hope Homes counselors provide residents with assistance in researching employment opportunities, acquiring skills necessary for employment, enrolling in an educational program, or finding volunteer opportunities.
  • Weekly Scheduling. Staff assists new residents in establishing a productive schedule. Residents are expected to create and maintain a weekly schedule.
  • Maintenance and upkeep of homes and rooms. Residents must participate in the cleanliness and upkeep of their living environment.
  • Accountability to staff and peers for whereabouts. Residents are accountable for their whereabouts at all times through sign out boards in apartments, meeting sheets, and cell phone communication. Residents must adhere to curfew hours, which are determined by their Recovery Track.
  • Relationship and sexual abstinence, unless in a previous committed relationship.
  • Utilization of referred outpatient therapy services. Many of our residents are in an Intensive Outpatient Program in the beginning of their stay with us. We expect residents to follow the aftercare plan of their referring treatment center.
  • Attendance at weekly house community meetings and support groups. Residents are expected to attend all Hope Homes group meetings, unless they have cleared their absence with a counselor prior to the group. In-House Support Groups are offered to residents during the week, usually in the evening hours.
  • Timely payment of program fees monthly.

I (Beth) have recently been the family member of a loved one seeking services for substance use and mental health issues ...