For Families

For Our Families

I (Beth) have recently been the family member of a loved one seeking services for substance use and mental health issues. I understand the stress and anxiety the search for services invokes. HOPE was created from my desire to offer the community something that was not available to me when I was seeking services in my own initial recovery. That driving force has only been magnified since my experience as a family member seeking services for a loved one – I want HOPE Recovery to provide the finest quality and best value of support services available. We at HOPE Recovery do not take your trust in us lightly. Our team works diligently to serve with the highest degree of compassion and professionalism. Our rebranding to HOPE Recovery Resources has provided an important time of reflection. We celebrate our community, which now numbers in the thousands. HOPE Homes (now HOPE Recovery Resources) is a national leader for recovery residences and support services for men and women, known for our professional staff, quality and value, structure and support. Yet we never rest on our laurels – we always strive to grow and evolve – to be better and do better. In recent years we have evolved,  broadening our scope of service and support, and have increased outreach to the families of our residents, striving to continually improve our consistency of contact and inclusion throughout our residents’ stay. This will continue to be a collaborative work in progress for us as a team, engaging with you.

Toward that end, we have created a virtual packet of information that you can view here using the password we have sent you. It includes information on our program, standards (rules), suggestions for family, and what to expect for your loved one.

You as a family member are always welcome and encouraged to reach out to me directly, or any of our staff that is assisting your loved one. Every person in recovery directly impacts on average a minimum of 5 people – we recognize this and want to provide as much support and direction to the families of those we serve as is possible and appropriate.

We appreciate and value your trust in us. We look forward to connecting with you.

I (Beth) have recently been the family member of a loved one seeking services for substance use and mental health issues ...